August 28-September 1st, 2019
Cottesloe Civic Centre
Cottesloe Civic Centre
Napier St, Cottesloe, Western Australia 6011 This non-residential retreat will take place in the beautiful War Memorial Room also known as the Jarrah room at the Cottesloe Civic Centre. Lunch included each day (vegetarian, gf catered for) and teas and filtered water available throughout the day. |
Contact UsThis rare opportunity to be with Master Mingtong Gu learning the deep practices of Wisdom Healing Qigong including gentle yet powerful movements, sounds and visualizations is available May 2018, however spaces are limited. He is the founder of the Chi Center in Galisteo, New Mexico which is becoming the medicineless hospital of the northern hemisphere. We are so lucky and grateful Mingtong is adding Perth to the cities he has time to visit. There is a growing chi field here in Perth that supports healing on all dimensions including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Feel free to contact here for any further questions.
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